Archive for janvier, 2009

jan 10 2009


how to go on ABNET :
Download the Free ABNet Client or Server
by clicking on the boxes  , as shown on this page :


how to enter in a world

Click on any picture below to enter 3D chat : or here

ABNet lobby accueil ,

ABNet Lobby

ABNet Art gallery

Basement Art Gallery

ABNet 2.0 - 3D Start Chat Page

forum , social network , contact them :

 Rick Kimball Software :

ABNet2 et l’interface vcard:

vcard, he has made a wonderful interface in html/javascript
that is now the default interface for His interface uses the ABNet chat
server infrastructure however that is transparent to everyone who connects to
They use the dhtml from his server and use the chat/world server at

vcards interface and his grand prix Race Teams 3D Gallery

Interview de / of  Rick Kimball sur / on Hiperia3d


Interview of Vitor Cardoso (vcard), March 2009


When did you start to work on VRML ?

I think it was back in 1997-98 when I was doing a post graduation and searching for a way to involve and motivate a group of students to a Project. It was being developed at a high school in Lisbon, Portugal, and we ended up creating a 3D model of the school campus. The next step was to jump into the model with the students using avatars. VRML/x3D was, and still is, the best way to do that using the Internet. The blaxxun free server and its client plugin provided all our multiuser needs and that technology was a must those days!

How did you decide to build Grand Prix ?

Grand prix was created around 2002-2003, to show my students how powerful VRML could be. At that time despite some exceptions, the majority of the objects and worlds available on the web had a very simple or too static nature. People used to think that this was not a powerful technology and some of my students, at Universidade Aberta of Portugal had that idea too.  Motivation is a key aspect of learning, so I decided to build a dynamic world (similar to an online racing game) that could show some of the VRML potential: Grand Prix.

After I published the first versions working with blaxxun free server, some community fellows, Girlcard (Catarina Cardoso) and Djelle (Mogens Sorensen), offered to join and add their skills to the project. We ended up with a much better version than the original.

Do you think the VRML/X3D is dead ?

There are two aspects that need to be considered: the multiuser blaxxun related community, including blaxxun free server, CT, etc., and … the VRML/x3D technology itself.

With the end of blaxxun company, the community was left in a agonizing state, yes! There are still several “private” baxxun servers working but it was somehow expected that with the announced end of a specific server technology the appeal to create worlds for it would disappear. People don’t like to “invest” time with what they think is a dead end.

On the other side, the VRML/x3D technology itself, apart from blaxxun specifics, is now better than before. New commercial projects appeared (vivaty, exit reality, bitmanagement, etc.), better tools to create content and well prepared 3D developers that are publishing for the Web. A 3D technology does not die in a 3D growing web as we are witnessing now. If you search for VRML/X3D models on the web you will find even more than before and surely … better and more professionally done.

Nowadays, all sorts of organizations are delivering this type of content. One reason is the growing availability of 3D content which is now a “regular” content and almost everyone is producing it in some way.  This is good news for all 3D technologies, including VRML/x3D.

The other reason is technical: VRML/x3D is among the best and easy ways to deliver 3D content over the web, from small objects to moving worlds, stand alone or multiuser. Part of the merit goes to a notable group of good VRML/x3D client plugins (like bs contact, vivaty, cortona, …).

Do you have some ideas to keep it alive ?

Four areas are crucial:

1-    Initiatives: the community did not die completely. A group of people kept around. Some forums and web places like, (ABNet), Lutece, Seamless, Louize, Ravemonde, …, contributed to keeping us connected and promoted important initiatives for that goal; MixED 3D is one of them! Many more are needed.

2-    Avatars: a community is made of people. In a 3D world people “are” avatars. For some people avatars are just a mere representation. For many others, the majority I believe, avatars are almost “the persona”, not just a mere representation.

3-    e-commerce. VRML/x3D has been much more devoted to free play and education than to business, although that exists too.  People should feel free and motivated to use free servers, and free communities for small e-commerce business, building their own 3d shop (3D object creation services, online commerce, etc.) Why not? Why not going to ABNet, for example, visiting a online museum, and buy a 3D object; or visit a 3D T-shirt shop and buying one. That should be very common, joining business with pleasure. I would like to see it done widely in free VRML/x3D servers too. Some professionally built worlds can bring quality and attract people to free servers. The word “free server” should mean that you are free to do business in there too.

4-    Multiuser technology: of course, a good multiuser technology, free and easy to use is the other thing we need and my main (spare time) focus these last months. Blaxxun provided that and people want no less. VRML/x3D is a free technology and needs a good and free server so people can share their worlds online in a uncompromised way. You can make what you want with it (communities, commercial places, whatever) but at minimum it must be possible to share a world in a site without the need for a registration (that demotivates the occasional user).

Why did you choose to work with ABNET ?

The end of blaxxun instead of killing the technology gave a chance to other server builders. It’s now a time to create and test new alternatives. Blaxxun was, somehow, a shadow over other promising developments (ABnet, VR4All). People used to accept Blaxxun’s flaws (yes, quite a few, crashes, etc.) and lived with it. It was a faithful group then and only some of us have tried the alternatives.   

There are nowadays many free alternatives to share a world in multiuser.  I have tested most of them and said in, August, 2008: “ABNet, c’est sans doute une des meilleurs alternatives, et surtout parce qu’elle est libre et on peut installer le serveur et tester plus fond la technologie. Merci Rick !!!

Although not a commercial server (blaxxun platform was a very expensive plataform indeed) technically ABNet2 is a more stable, free and evolving platform, than Blaxxun was. Has all the main Blaxxun features (even shared events) and is also simple to use. Rick Kimball is a great programmer, ABNet is not a kids work. You are facing a very serious system. Nevertheless, like blaxxun (or even more) it’s very simple to build up multiuser worlds and run them informally! Indeed, ABNet carries the blaxx legacy inside and all time bxx users feel very “at home” here.

What is the Odisseia interface, “vcard’s interface”, and how it will evolve ?

The success of collaboration in this phase of the Web 2.0 moving towards Web 3D, as was in Web 1.0, is due to the user friendliness of the collaboration tools (blogs, wikis and forums, 3D chat). It is really easy, rewarding and motivating, for the standard user, to participate regularly in Web communities, to blog and share content. That should apply to multiuser worlds too. We should note that the reasons for an instant success of a web system are: user oriented (including stability, features, etc.), simple and free.

ABNet was stable, simple and free but its interface lacked some basic user oriented features that blaxxun users had for granted. But the interface code was there “open” and, instead of complaining, I decided to make the features I wanted to have:

1-    a more “realistic” visitors window (to better notice who enters)

2-    a ‘jump to another avatar’ functionality (to get “near” them)

3-    Voice (TTS, Text to Speak) (it’s fun and some of us have the habit)

4-    a Rooms list, indicating the users visiting (such a functionality embedded in the interface is very hot and promotes visits to other worlds)

All that is done now. We started with the basic HTML/javascript interface and built the first 3 new features, plus some other cool features like changing avatars on the fly, by script (that was not easy or even possible (?) with bxx servers). The new interface with TTS voice is actually using a .Net platform (but could and will probably move towards php). Much more is possible and will be done, since this a web based system, where you can use all HTML/XML/Flash etc, technologies  and the interface code is open for improvements. 

“vcard’s interface” was initially made for personal test and use (me and my students) and was so well accepted by rick that gradually become the “official ABNet2 interface” which makes me very glad.

The future? A common list of worlds being visited at each moment

Presently the availability of several systems is good for the technology and is motivating the creation again. But it’s also desirable to join efforts in keeping the community together while favoring the existence and development of several VRML/x3D based systems.  One way to do that is, in my point of view the existence of a common list of worlds that are being visited in each moment.

For 3D chat systems that share the same 3D plugin (bs contact or any other in the future) and the specific chat plugin is free (or even not needed for some actual chats like N3DME) the existence of a common list makes  it possible for the user to move easily from one system to another and remain in the community. That way more systems enlarge the  community instead of shrinking it.

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jan 09 2009

Vernissage 6 février 2009 , Meeting february 6 , 2009











9 responses so far

jan 08 2009

Matrix _ Erny




Matrix erny
envoyé par MIxED3d

No responses yet

jan 07 2009

Interview Erny

-Mixed: You have a list on your site and you used too a thema way for
Matrix. It is interesting to see how 3D world lists on web are made,
several exist, some sorted by name of the author, others by title of the
world … Some sorted in the same time by the plugin used.
- Why do you used the thema way ?
- Do you think it focuses more on the artistic point of view of the
builder ?

- Erny: My aim is to inspire more people for web3D and thought by planning
my list, therefor it´s most important to show the diversity of a

-Mixed: I guess that your artistic point of view  is in your art work ,
but indeed , for instance , Matrix and Dom Wetzlar are very different .
- What do you think about realistic aims with web3D ?
- What do feel watching all these 3D worlds , “comparing” - if we could
say - to contemporary art ? Do you feel 3D brings its own soul ?
- Is , on other words , “3D” offering a new way to watch or know  the LIFE ?

- Erny: I fear I have to disappoint you. I have no artistic or
ideologically view on web3D. I am just a technical freak, crazy about
the technical possibilities 2009, curious on the technical possibilities
2010 and with too less sun.

Web3D is a simulation you can use on different ways to let become it a
stimulation. I try to bring more reality into web3D in trying to
building most realistic scenes. The reality is what the human eye is
knowing and to simulate it couldn´t be bad. A piece of reality you
already find in the real persons you can meet in web3D and even perhaps
you will calling friend.

- Mixed: Another sort of questions is about the interactiv maner you
offered to builders .
- Is it a “polical” way you have chosen  to have people active ? Less
customers , we could say.
- Does it works ?
- Is it , for your point of view the best part of the WEB , interactivity ?

- Erny: It´s no “political issue”. I just like to build dynamic,
interactive web content - if 2D or 3D. The best of the web is the web
itself - the possibility to connect the world - the possibility to let
the world participate in your creation.

No responses yet

jan 06 2009

GalerieMaker_Raging Storm

Raging Storm est une célébrité de l’époque VRML-Blaxxun ,
lorsqu’il présentait , grâce au php ,  plusieurs manières interactives de laisser des liens , des

infos et des images dans ses galeries .

Raging Storm is well knowned , showing during Blaxxun times , several interactiv maners to let

links ,infos and images in cyber galleries .

Voir / Go to
-  “Annuaire” :

visitez avec x-robotica /  try it on x-robotica

ou avec ABNet
- “Galerie” :
Difficile de visiter hors de blaxxun …
As blaxxun is out , it is difficult to have tha url working :



- “Labyrinthe” :


Labyrinthe Raging Storm
envoyé par MIxED3d
Software :
GalerieMaker est un software pour faire son propre monde 3D


Galeriemaker Raging Storm
envoyé par MIxED3d

GalerieMker is a software to get his own 3D world
Raging a aussi fait une galerie , pour le peintre Jean-Christophe Sendral-Sezil /

Raging made also a gallery for the painter Jean-Christophe Sendral-Sezil :

No responses yet

jan 05 2009

Interview Raging Storm

- Quelques questions sur l’interactivité que tu offrais aux builders .

Est-ce une façon “politique” que tu avais choisie pour rendre les gens actifs ?

Moins consommateurs si l’on peut dire .

- OUI !

- Il semblait que cela marchait quand blaxxun était actif . Beaucoup de personnes sont venues  sur tes mondes mettre des liens et des images .

Penses-tu que la meilleure part du WEB est l’interactivité ?

- Sais po !

- Est-ce que GaleryMaker était utilisé par un nombre conséquent de gens ?

- Non si mes comptes sont bon personne ne l’utilise!

- Tu maintiens ( et merci )  tes liens en en ligne .
Est-ce que tout ce travail est pour toi du passé ?

- Pour l’instant Oui, qui peut me conseiller pour les adapter au sytemes
actuels ?

- Depuis que  Blaxxun est out , as -tu cherché une ou des alternatives ?

- oui mais ça m’em… prefere creer!
Quel est maintenant la meilleur alternative ?

- Beaucoup de plateformes de chat 3D ont vu le jour , t’y interesses-tu ?

- Non ça me gave la technique

- Comment vois-tu la situation du VRML actuellement , et a t-il un futur , à
ton avis ?

- Je la regarde pas, qui peut faire ou a  un topo la dessus ?
Je pense qu’elle a un futur.

- T’es tu lancé dans d’autres programmations que nous ne connaissons pas ?

- Le parapente…J’explore la troisième dimension

- Merci par ailleurs d’avoir accepté notre invitation et pour tous tes travaux

 - Commentaire de MixED : quelques réponses à venir de notre part .

( y compris de nos lecteurs éventuellment )



- Some  questions  about the interactiv maner you offered to builders .
Is it a “polical” way you have chosen  to have people active ? Less
customers , we could say .

- YES !
-It seemed it worked  when the blaxxun communauty was alive  . Many people
went to your worlds , adding stuff .
Is it , for your point of view the best part of the WEB , interactivity ?

- Don’t know  !

- Was GaleryMaker used by people ?

- I f I am right noone use it !
- You let your links online ( and thanx ) .
Is it just past for you ?

- Nowadays yes , who could let me know how to adapt all that to actual systems ?

- Since Blaxxun is out , did you searche alternatives ?

- Yes but it bores me , I prefer to create !
Witch is the best alternative now ?
- Many 3D platforms were bornt , are you interested ?

- No , technic bores me .
- How you see the situation for VRML , presently ? as it some future , in your opinion ?

- I dont look at the situation , who could resume it for me ?
I think there is some future for VRML

- Did you beagan some programmation we don’t know ?
- Parapente … I explore the 3 Dimention .

- Thanx for  your acceptation here and for all your art work

2 responses so far

jan 04 2009

Galeries / Galleries

No responses yet