Unity 3D chat
Un exemple / an example :
par / from
The pirate cove :
Infos :
MixED chat Test :
It worked like that ( thanx ‘tutancamon’ ) :
Step 1) Goto that address. You will see the “Server Controls”
Server Controls
Public IP address but server not initialized, it must
be started to check server accessibility. Restart
connection test when ready.
Retest connection
Start Server Refresh available Servers
a) Push on “Start Server”
Now You have these:
Server Controls
Public IP address but server not initialized, it must
be started to check server accessibility. Restart
connection test when ready.
Retest connection
Third Person Car Racing TPS-Auth Castles
Step 2) Goto again to that address ( open a new window of IExplorer
and put in address bar http://mixed3d.free.fr/unity3d/Networking/Assets/testchat1.htm ).
You will see the “Server Controls”
Server Controls
Public IP address but server not initialized, it must
be started to check server accessibility. Restart
connection test when ready.
Retest connection
Start Server Refresh available Servers
a) Push on “Refresh available Servers”, and wait a few seconds
b) After a few seconds, if all are OK, You must see a nummber of a IP, and a “Connect” button.
Server Controls
Public IP address but server not initialized, it must
be started to check server accessibility. Restart
connection test when ready.
Retest connection
Start Server Refresh available Servers
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c) Push on “Connect” buton.
d) Now You can play with the chat. You can see on You, You can chat with You, and so on…
Make a few tests, and You will see how work.
Step 3) From now, You can repeat “Step 2″ for many times …
You can have a lotof instances of the chat.
Dernière édition par tutancamon le Mar 1 Déc 2009 - 9:44, édité 1 fois
Another test :
You can also talk to yourself !
Aides en français :