Archive for avril, 2017

avr 06 2017


blaxxun platform virtual worlds community server 5
vwp51-win.exe (32M)

blaxxun community server 4.0 windows (change .txt to .exe)

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avr 05 2017

Blaxxun 2017


All tests were made with the blaxxun community server 5.1 packages that can be found on closed.forumactif
On linux (first try on Ubuntu 16.04 with 32bits versions of the necessary libs and second try on Debian 7 32b):
All the blaxxun apps crash on startup with a segfault error, and because the devs. “forgot” to compile them with debug flags, I cannot trace anything.
On Windows (7+NT compatibility):
All the blaxxun apps crash on startup. No error message but I also suspect segfaults.
Also : the license file embedded in the blaxxun package has a limit of 3 users.


take time back on machine
use windows nt 4 on virtualbox!
time before 2010
and windows nt 4.0
for linux, you need to run some comands in the terminal with shared librearies to make it work
Ash answered that “time before 2010″ does nothing better
R   look.
blaxxun platform 7 works for windows nt 4, windows 2000 and windows server 2003
platform 5.1 works for windows nt 4 windows 2000 and linux
platform 4.1 works for windows nt 4 windows 2000
platform 4.0 works for windows nt 4 only

which do you want to install?
4.0 4.1 5.1 or 7.0?

* make sure do you have vmware or virtualbox before you install blaxxun server

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