Archive for octobre, 2008

oct 10 2008

Interview of Peter

Published by Mixed under X-ROBOTICA / X-3DME

- How and when did you discover VRML?

2003 I was trying to create the interactive 3d-model of a modern wine-press (wine-presses are my real business).I bought a pretty expensive book about “creating a game with C# and DirectX 7″, I did not understand a word so I bought a book called “C# for dummies”, and a few days later I lost my enthusiasm for C# and searched “Google” with the keywords “realtime 3d”. My search threw out some results related with VRML and at first glance, VRML was offering all I was searching for : realtime 3d, animations, scripting, interaction with web-pages etc. …

I joined a Spanish Yahoo group devoted to VRML, founded and moderated by Jordi Cardona, where I found all support and expertise I needed for carrying out my project. However, the “virtual wine-press” was never finished, but I had learned quite a bit of VRML, javascript and HTML and was addicted to it.

- How did you decide to make this 3d chat with X?

Late 2005, searching for Christmas gifts, I found in a bookstore a good PHP book, and decided to give PHP a try. I had read and seen some amazing examples on how good PHP and VRML do work together, like for example Raging Storm’s VRML message board.

After trying out and almost understanding all those “Hello World!” examples, I tried to figure out how to use all those chunks of code in a practical way, and decided to do a 3d-chat.

Early 2006, the blaxxun demo server went down for a few weeks and I thought that it would be a good moment for showing off what I had done, so I posted about it on Alain’s forum and got some people into the chat. Some people were really enthusiastic about it, and so was X (Colin). I had a chat-server and Colin had the content as well as a good argument/story for some sort of community, so we decided to join our efforts.

- What technology are you using for making X-3DME?

The client consists of DHTML (HTML, Javascript, CSS) and VRML. A third party VRML viewer is embedded as an activeX object, accessible via its javascript EAI.

The server uses PHP and MySQL.

At first, the server-client communication was done by refreshing a hidden frame with javascript function calls. More recently, we began migrating the system to xmlhttprequest(), and now we are experimenting on a slow-load version, where the server response happens as event-driven.

- X-3DME is a new 3d community ? like cybertown or Lively ? What is it exactly?

X-3DME is just a server-client environment, developed for VRML-based 3d-chat. X-Robotica is its native front-end, in the form of a thematic 3d-chat … well … let’s say community, based on Colin’s excellent worlds and avatars.

Anyways, we are not trying to emulate any existing community … we are still trying to figure out what a 3d-chat plattform could be good for, and we guess that it can be used for more than just a 3d-chat or for mirroring the errors of real life society. We are aiming far beyond Cybertown and SecondLife, but we take it easy, we do it for fun.

- What is the best point of X-3DME?

X-3DME can be served by every virtual host that allows PHP scripting. There are a growing number of PHP enabled homepage services out there, and this will soon become a standard worldwide, so almost everyone running a homepage will be able to run an X-3DME server from there.

There could be an unlimited number of X-3DME servers all over the web, running independently but linked together to a mega-community.

- X-3DME is specific to the worlds of X, do you want to make a community more general?

No, X-3DME is not specific to Colin’s worlds. Not even X-Robotica is exclusively showing his worlds, since we allow to open third-party worlds using a simple query-string or the “Extended Explorations” form.

- It is open to every artist who would like to upload his or her worlds on X-3DME?

Everyone is invited to open his own worlds in X-Robotica, specially worlds related with the main theme of X-Robotica : SciFi. robots, etc. …

It is important to point out, that the worlds are not uploaded to our host. They stay at their original location, so the author keeps control over them.

We also are parsing and displaying the contents of the worldInfo node at startup, allowing html tags like anchors and images, so the author can put a link to his homepage or a logo, for example.

- What will be the most important improvement in the future for X-3DME?

The most important improvement is probably not yet in our minds, but we are working on some classic features like shared objects and building and we have some ideas we have not yet started to work on, like a brand new avatar concept, etc. …

In a few weeks, let’s say before new year’s eve, we will be releasing the public version of the X-3DME server, which might be a real milestone for us.

- Do you still work on it?

Sure. This is just the beginning. There is a lot of work to be done.

- How do you see the future of VRML?

There should be plenty of future in VRML. Even if it is being called a dead language, there is so much content out there, and there is so much good content still being created, that it’s impossible to predict an early ending of VRML.

- When will we see a new world of you???

There is a VRML file I have been working on for three years now, the conveyor.wrl, which is the invisible core of the X-3DME client. And, I’ve got Seamless3d and Blender ready on my computer, but i am waiting for some calm days and inspiration.

- Few words for ending?

I hope that you all enjoy trying out X-Robotica and thanks to the MixEd team for spreading the word.

2 responses so far

oct 09 2008

Interview of X

Published by Mixed under X-ROBOTICA / X-3DME

- When did you start to make 3D worlds?

As Colin James McKinlay, I began by experimenting with computer-enhanced textures 10 years ago. Then, I encountered blaxxun, Cortona, Internet Space Builder, VRMLpad, and a Quake2VRML converter. So, I built a GigerQuake gallery re: Cortona. Then, I encountered the blaxxun free chat zone and became X.

- How many worlds do you have?

Probably 50.

- How and when did you start the project of X-Robotica/X-3DME with Peter?

When? during a blaxxun black-out in January of 2006 . Peter’s N3DME chat text was super-imposed upon the background — just what I needed to show my visual-intensive worlds.

I was already a fan of Peter’s gothic lighthouse world and its fantastic ocean, and he liked my work too. So, he agreed immediately and told me he could invent consoles and menus. For one year, we worked in secret, because many things were never ready. Then we told our friends isa and Alain.

We have developed X-Robotica and X-3DME together now for 2 1/2 years. That seems like a long time, but Peter’s job made him absent for long times. Even so, Peter always bounces back, so the project continues!

- Why did you decide to make this community ?

Is it a community? What is a community?

X-Robotica is more like a free robot theme park where people can explore, chat, leave messages, or show a world they built or found themselves. We have agreed that it should never become a pale imitation of a real life, but be instead an alternative experience to popular culture. No plutocracies. No power-tripping hierarchies. No marketplaces. No commercialism. No sex shops. Just wholesome non-violent science fiction fun. Just amplified 3D escapism.

Why make X-Robotica? I had a few uninhabited nice worlds lying around that I had started populating with mocap-driven robots. I recognized N3DME’s potential and a kindred spirit in Peter and voila: X-Robotica /X-3DME.

- Are they all your worlds in X-Robotica?

“My worlds” — most of my models are from a time when 3Dcafe was still open as a free depository per non-commercial usage. I am more of a artistic developer than a modeler or world maker. Using a source editor, I love reverse-engineering the stuff I find gathering dust around the Net.

One can learn a lot about VRML that way, create new experiences, and call it progress–

No, not all my worlds: our entry world, Robotica, is an “X” version of Peter’s “Roaring 50s / Lost at Sea Memorial” lighthouse, which he graciously allowed me to reproportion and embellish with color saturations and some entertainments.

The remaining 11 worlds are all custom-versions of my old stuff.

We have also opened Circuits Beyond for users to import their own or favourite inactive worlds, at their own discretion, to experience them in X-3DME or just party.

- Do you consider X-Robotica / X-3DME as an art gallery which shows all your worlds or are all just one art work?

One of them. Cafebotica, is an analog gallery of my artwork (textured women). .

I follow 3 schools of thought:

a. theories of abstract art handed down 2 generations from Wassily Kandinsky . Studying those, I received an Art Scholarship at SFU as first curator of its Student Gallery.

b. In it, I hosted Iain Baxter, founder of the NE Thing Company. He asserted that anything can be Art, ergo “Found Art”. He later promoted “eye candy”– kind of Warholian. But, eclectic.

Hence, I combine the two schools, borrowing stuff and using it colourfully in a different context, a freedom of usage based upon…

c. Copyright Law: parts of artworks can be reused in a context which, reasonably, does not resemble the original. The result: eye candy. Remaining non-commercial also helps.

Beyond that, you can call X-Robotica / X-3DME one collaborative art work — inasmuch as Peter :); I discuss and agree upon every little aspect, I feel that it is.

- Will you still build some worlds for X-Robotica / X-3DME?

Possibly. There can be more creatures in this Science Fantasy place than just humans, robots, and aliens.

- Did you work on the technical part of X-3DME or did you build “just” the worlds and the avatars?

Peter Sommers is the technician / artist and I am the artist — the shape and feel of the interface: the Transponder with its active world and avatar-loading lists etc. (and a tool to help us organize those) and the chat console and its buttons and hidden tool box, darkness controls, camera functions, private messaging, beaming. etc., in other words, all the technical interface work, is Peter.

I tried to encourage a retro-robot look, and Peter came up with this nice hybrid appearance which I fought to inject with many hues of cyan (ha ha) here and there and helped test through almost every surprising innovation he brought to the table– I guess you could say I was Dr. Frankenstein’s cyan hunchback assistant Igor.

Re: the avatars– most combine Av Studio and H-Anim parts (heavily transformed and textured with photos of car parts found on the net). Strange but true!

- Do you have new projects on 3d?

No. At my age, X-Robotica / X-3DME should be enough. I am 62

- What do you think about the fact there are a lot of new communities, blogs and forums about web3D? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

The former teacher in me has to say, if human endeavors are not put to destructive purposes, they are usually a good thing. We’re not building atomic bombs in here, so how can it be a bad thing?

We enjoy doing what we do and I have fun inviting the public to come take a look– our lives do not depend upon creating a community. To tell you the truth, at 62, I don’t really care much what anyone else does.

- And, do you have a few words for ending this interview?

“Are we just robots?” and “Do robots dream?”– of course, I am joking!

Last month, in San Sebastian, Spain, I encountered a city where almost everyone did nothing but enjoy the sun by walking up and down its huge beaches.

Maybe it is good to be as carefree as a robot in a robot dream. Ha ha! — to accept and enjoy the art of doing absolutely nothing (and, for free!)– I think you humans call it a “vacation”. Yes, X-Robotica is a free 3D virtual reality vacationland.

Thank you MixED for the show and for this opportunity for me to say some things about X-Robotica / X-3DME.

3 responses so far

oct 04 2008

seamless3D meeting flash

Published by Mixed under Seamless 3d Chat

Merci Peugeofast !!

3 responses so far

oct 04 2008

seamless3D meeting , 3 octobre 2008

Published by Mixed under Seamless 3d Chat

Merci beaucoup à tous ! Many thanx to all friends !

Thyme raconte la journée ici ,

Thyme resume the event here :

Images :


One response so far

oct 03 2008

goto chat

Published by Mixed under Seamless 3d Chat

pour copier coller l’url dans seamless3D

to copy paste the url in seamless3D

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oct 03 2008


Published by Mixed under X-ROBOTICA / X-3DME

Pour porter votre propre avatar , ou un autre :

Lorsque vous êtes enregistré et avez votre account ,
scroll down pour voir l’”Extended Exploration” form ,
collez l’url de votre avatar dans le champ “Special AV-Unit” ,
et tapez votre pass , et click “VALIDATE” ..

Puis “Star” - teleport  ..
To wear your own avatar , or another one :

Once you have activated your account,
scroll down the login form until you get the “Extended Exploration” form.
Paste or type the url of your avatar into the “Special AV-Unit” field
and your password into the “Activation Code” field and click at “VALIDATE”.

Finally just click at the “Start” button …





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oct 01 2008

Robotica meeting _ november 7

Published by Mixed under X-ROBOTICA / X-3DME

entrez ici , tapez votre nickname and …teleport !!

enter here , type your nickname and … teleport !








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