H key : switch to opengl rendering mode (JOGL), display a security dialog box.
S key : switch to Java 1.1 software mode
Mouse left button drag : rotate model
Mouse right button drag : zoom camera in/out
Parameters detail :

MODELFILENAME : the model file name ("DEFAULT.3DS" if none)
MODELFILEPATH : the model file pathe ("DEFAULT/" if none)
IMAGELOADFILE : image displayed while loading ("DEFAULT/LOAD.GIF" if none)
CAMERANAME : camera to use once loaded ("Camera01" if none)
BGCOLOR : background color for the applet ("000000" if none)
LOADBARFRONTCOLOR : front color for loading bar ("AAAAAA" if none)
LOADBARBACKCOLOR : back color for loading bar ("EEEEEE" if none)
LOADBARBORDERCOLOR : border color for loading bar ("0000EE" if none)
LOADBARWIDTH : with of the loading bar ("280" if none)
LOADBARHEIGHT : height of the loading bar ("40" if none)
CAMERAFOV : camera field of view ("45°" if none, used when no camera found)
CAMERAZ : camera z position ("-100" if none, used when no camera found)